For no man can lay a foundation other than the one which is laid, which is Jesus Christ. -1 Corinthians 3:11

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

live 522 update.

What a blessing. It has been an exciting couple of weeks for the little side business, Live 522.  Truly amazing.
Thought I would share some pictures of some of the projects I have been working on that are being sold or have been sold in the booth. And WARNING... there are a LoT of pictures!

And P.S.  I promise the next post will include some projects from the house!! :)

Latest Picture of the Booth

















And the rest of these pictures, I do not have any before pictures of. I am pretty bad about that! ha

Saturday, January 7, 2012

live 522.

I am soooo excited about this post!!! Mostly because it involves an exciting new adventure. 
So, I have started a new "business"!!

I will start at the beginning...
After working on all the decorating in our home I realized how much I love refinishing old furniture and other "knick knacks" and crafts. During the holidays, I was working on some projects to give to family as gifts. Then it hit me... I really enjoy doing it so why not sell some of my stuff!?! Not to mention... Lately, I had really been feeling that God was up to something and I just had to know if this was it! Sooo... I hopped in my car and went out to scope out a place where I could possibly sell my things. I had to drop off some mail at the post office and as I was pulling out I noticed a new store that had just opened. It looked very appealing... so I went in. Turns out it was exactly what I was looking for. (I told you God was up to something.) It's a shop that has local vendors that rent out booths to sell furniture, etc. etc. etc.... The store is called "Etc. Etc. Etc." by the way! :) So, I struck up a conversation with the owner and headed home to share my crazy idea with the hubs. He was very excited and supported me all the way. After much prayer, we decided to tackle this new adventure. A couple of weeks later... here we are. Move in day. 

Live 522: I truly feel like God has blessed me with such an amazing and exciting opportunity. It didn't take me long at all to come up with a name for my little business....
Live 522. It is based on Galatians 5:22...
"But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control." 
So, the name stands for "Live the fruit of the Spirit".

Please pray that Live 522 brings glory to our God in whatever way he might choose. 
(And pray for me, because I will still be working full time while doing this! agh! haha) 

If you are in the Santa Rosa Beach area, stop in and check out all the local vendors.

Loaded down... (huge thanks to my amazing husband)

Booth before... 

lovin this...

So excited and blessed!!!