For no man can lay a foundation other than the one which is laid, which is Jesus Christ. -1 Corinthians 3:11

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Inside and Out

Here we are... just passed the 3 month mark and still going strong! Since the last post, quite a bit has been accomplished! 

Inside: The insulation was installed and thankfully the house is actually staying a little bit cooler now, even without A/C. That is a good sign! Shortly after, the sheetrock was installed. It is amazing how it can happen so quickly! Over the last few days the walls have been primed white and ready for some color. Also, my dad/our electrician was here last weekend so Matt, my mom and I all helped install the switches, plugs and breakers. Power should be turned on early next week. AND that means A/C will be turned on! woohoo! Even with all the shade out there, I have to admit it gets pretty hot!

Outside: Doors, Doors, Doors! The exterior doors are all up! Wednesday they installed the garage doors, which turned out so nice - pic below. And Thursday, the doors to the house went up! So so so happy with them! If you look back at our post from March 26, you can see the doors when we first bought them and now, below, how they look stained and painted. 
You will also notice in the pictures that we finally cleared out the clutter in front of the house and leveled out the lot. It is ready for some landscaping!

Also, huge thanks to my mom, who has been here with us the last 2 weeks and has been such a huge help getting the house clean and so many other little things. We have also enjoyed hitting up the thrift stores and antique stores to find lots of goodies for the house. Will definitely share more in later posts.

Check out pics below! 

Garage Doors!!! 

Standing in the Kitchen area, looking out at Dining area and Living Room.

Back of house

Side of house

Front doors... LOVE 'em

Front/other side of house

So happy :)


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The latest happenin's.

 Alrighty... so ALOT has happened in the last 2 weeks since we posted last. Very exciting things too!! The siding is completely finished on the house and garage and has been painted! Woohoo! It is hard to tell the exact color in the pictures but it is almost like at "steel blue" or "gray-blue". Very subtle and beautiful. So so so happy with our choice. The trim is all painted white along with the porches. The metal roof went up last week. We used corrugated metal for both the house and garage and all the overhangs. We were originally going to put wood on the ceilings of the porches, BUT when we saw the exposed rafters and metal we thought it looked way too good to cover up. So you will see pics of that also.

Last week, Matt and I also spent some time finishing up some of the electrical work in the house. It was actually pretty fun working side by side doing the same work that my dad does every day. I definitely have a much bigger appreciation for what he does. And also too for all the hard work that Matt puts in day in and day out at our house, in addition to his regular work. It is not an easy job but it will be sooo rewarding in the end. We are so excited and so ready to get moved in soon. What a blessing this whole process has been. It has truly given us so much knowledge and appreciation. And it has truly been a blessing for our marriage as we work closely together and make decisions as a team. We are so thankful for this next chapter of our lives.

Stay tuned for this weeks post.... BIG things are happening this week!
side porch and chimney
Front of the house looking good

Cool picture of the house with the storm rolling in

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Just a few pictures

this is matt's first post... sorry I don't know how to do this sorta stuff